Live Nation announced today that the Sting Symphonicity performance previously scheduled for Monday, July 4th in Astana has been cancelled...

July 03, 2011

Amnesty International recently apprised Sting about the situation in Kazakhstan regarding the repression and crackdown against oil workers, their union leaders, their legal representatives & of the human rights NGOs working with them. In light of this current situation, with the unacceptable treatment being meted to these Kazakh oil/gas workers, their families and legal representation, which is extremely serious and continues to worsen, Amnesty International feel his presence in Astana will be interpreted as an endorsement of the presidents’ administration and surely will go against everything he has stood for, while supporting Amnesty and the fight for human rights, for the past 40 years. As a result, Sting has made a decision not to participate in the Astana Day Festival.

"Hunger strikes, imprisoned workers and tens of thousands on strike represents a virtual picket line which I have no intention of crossing," Sting commented. "The Kazakh gas and oil workers and their families need our support and the spotlight of the international media on their situation in the hope of bringing about positive change."


Jul 2, 2011
On 2 July Sting appeared in Kazan. A few years ago it seemed impossible. The night before the concert of the legendary British rock musician to become a reality. Together with the orchestra Tatar Academic Opera and Ballet im.M.Dzhalilya Sting sang his own songs and hits of ''The Police'' in the stage of "Tatneft-Arena." Kazan heard the program 'Simphonicity', specifically for a world hits Sting have been reworked for the performance of a symphony orchestra...
Jun 30, 2011

Koncerttermet varázsolt egy arénából néhány óra erejéig Sting - a zenész, aki tavaly késő őszi fellépésére duplázott rá tegnap este, az akkorihoz hasonló, mégis egészen más koncertet adott Budapestre visszatérve. Több magyar mondat, kevesebb átkötő szöveg, egy helyi zenekar és egy karmesterhölgy: még címszavakban sem írhatjuk le ennyivel a bő két órás koncertet...