Sting in Saint Malo du Bois...
Well, eight waiting hours for two and a half hour concert. And it was well worth it!
We mean other fans of new friends at the door of the sublime theater of Poupet. I have never met such a beautiful space. Even with a light rain, the beauty of the place remains the same.
We were able to attend the rehearsals, with Sting (who worked on "Demolition Man" with his band).
We were also interviewed for a french newspaper (Ouest France), a radio (Hit West), and we even went live on french TV (France 3) for opening doors... but the sprint we ran to the best places made a very stealth video!
Regarding the concert, I've never been so close to the stage: two feet separated the barriers from the stage, and Sting was just two meters from my dazzled eyes. In terms of sound, we almost only had the direct stage sound, just like if we were among them.
A great atmosphere for this concert identical to all others in this tour, but the difference stood in the fact that we could be standing in the pit, giving a small "rock concert" mood for a live symphonic. This made the seriousness and sacredness of classical instruments quickly vanished.
(c) Sebastien/LiSting
Poupet. Sting emporte le public en symphonie...
''Je suis très heureux d'être ici pour la première fois'', a lancé Sting entre deux morceaux, peu après son entrée en scène au festival de Poupet. Ambiance sobre et classe sur la scène du théâtre de verdure. La star enchaîne les grands classiques qui ont fait son succès avec The Police ou en solo. 'Roxanne', 'Englishman in New York', 'Russians'... L'artiste anglais est accompagné d'un orchestre symphonique de 45 musiciens, dirigé par Sarah Hicks, et d'un groupe de musiciens. Nostalgie et sérénité règnent en ce moment dans la vallée de Poupet.
(c) Ouest-France