Behind the scenes with Sting and Shaggy at the recording studio...

February 25, 2018

This footage shows the joy and musical collaboration that was ever present in the studio during the Sting and Shaggy recording sessions for their 44/876 album, out April 20th. 


Feb 21, 2018

The Rockhal is proud to announce Sting at Open Air Belval on June 30th 2018. Following last year’s concert, the world-renowned musician is looking forward to performing at the unique site in the area. After much thought, consideration and planning, the breath-taking blast furnaces of Belval right across from the Rockhal proved to be the ideal location...

Feb 21, 2018

Superstar Sting and a host of other celebrities will be in Newcastle in March for the debut of The Last Ship - and tickets are still available to join them (and even hear the main man sing). If you’ve a spare £250 that is. The Wallsend-born musician, accompanied by actress wife Trudie Styler, will be the star attraction at the red carpet premiere of his North East-based musical when it launches at Northern Stage on March 20...